Svetový deň karate

25. októbra 2021by Daniel Baran

25.10.2021 si pripomíname 85 rokov od stretnutia významných okinawských majstrov v meste NAHA (hlavné mesto Okinawy), ktorí rozhodovali o budúcnosti „karate“.

Na tomto stretnutí sa stretli majstri Chomo Hanashiro, Chotoku Kyan, Choki Motobu, Chojun Miyagi, Juhatsu Kyoda, Choshin Chibana, Shinpan Shiroma, Chotei Oroku a Genwa Nakasone. 

Toto umenie bolo predtým známe ako TOUDI (čínska ruka) a jeho vyučovanie prebiehalo v tajnosti. Ale práve v tento deň sa to zmenilo. Z TOUDI vzniklo KARATE (prázdna/otvorená ruka). Boli doriešené stupne KYU a DAN, učiteľské tituly ako hanshi, kyoshi, renshi, či iné detaily.

V roku 2005 Zhromaždenie prefektúry Okinawa prijalo rezolúciu vyhlasujúcu 25. október ako Karate no hi, Deň karate.

Samotné znenie rezolúcie v angličtine:

Some 700 years ago, karate was born in this land, Okinawa. Coexisting with the beautiful nature and climate of Okinawa, our predecessors created karate, a traditional culture that Okinawa can be proud of. 

It was originally called “tī“.

  Meanwhile, our ancestors who were called “People bridging nations” actively interacted with people from China and Southeast Asia and other different countries throughout the world. Thus, they raised peace and prosperity by bringing the culture and wealth of the world to this land.

  Along with these exchanges, Chinese martial arts were introduced between 1400 and 1500. Karate, which until then had been evolving on its own way, enthusiastically adopted the strong points of Chinese martial arts and bloomed spectacularly. This is the karate that is being passed down to present days.

  On October 25, 1936, the name “Karate (open hand)” which is familiar to world karate enthusiasts and many people over the world was officially decided. Therefore, it is meaningful to preserve this day as a “special day” in history.

  As it is well known, the world’s karate population is estimated to be around 50 million people. Karate is said to go beyond borders, language, religion, regime and race barriers, and popular in 150 countries. In just half a century after the war, karate has spread intensively to all corners of the world. From this, it is undeniable that karate has an incredible charm and splendor.

  Needless to say, there is no other Okinawan culture that has spread so widely, influenced so many people and become so familiar around the world.

  Furthermore, in karate exists a foundational principle of “Martial art of Peace” that is based of the great philosophy of “Karate ni sente nashi – there is no offense in karate” and the respect of life ideology found in “Nuchi du takara – Life is a Treasure”. This principle is something today’s international community is highly looking for and we believe that we can contribute in this sense.

  Therefore, praying for the future development of Okinawa traditional karate while wishing to contribute furthermore to world peace and the happiness of the humanity, we, this prefectural assembly, declare “October 25” to be “Karate no hi – the Day of Karate”.


We pass the resolution as mentioned above.

March 29, 2005

The Okinawa Prefecture Assembly


Miletičova 3/a Bratislava, 821 08 Slovensko

Copyright © 2014 Slovenská federácia karate a bojových umení.
Created with ❤ by Marek Tettinger.